Proposed Elimination of Rental Restriction Bylaws

Your Opinion Matters:
Proposed Elimination of Rental Restriction Bylaws

by Sandy Wagner, President, VISOA.

Does your condo, townhouse or bare land strata have rental restriction bylaws? Do you think your strata should or shouldn’t be permitted to have rental restriction bylaws? Is the ability to restrict rentals an attribute you look for when buying? Does a high number of rental units have any impact on the level of participation in your strata such as electing enough council members or supporting funding for renewal projects?

The BC Rental Housing Review report includes the following recommendation on page 13:
#9 Increase the availability of currently empty strata housing by eliminating a strata corporation’s ability to ban owners from renting their own strata units.

You may write to:
Honourable Selina Robinson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Room 310, Parliament Buildings
Victoria BC V8V 1X4


Read page 13 of the Report

Opinion:  Allowing rentals in all strata units wouldn’t create any new housing: condo group

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